September 2007
Newsletter of the Humboldt Bay Bicycle Commuters Association P. O. Box 9054 Eureka CA 95502 THANKS TO THE NEW AND RENEWED MEMBERS FOR 2007 The HBBCA thanks the following new members and renewed members for 2007. New Members:
Renewed Members:
A special thanks to those who sent donations to the HBBCA, noted by **. NEXT REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 24TH IN EUREKA Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. For more information, check the HBBCA website at HBBCA’S POSITION REGARDING THE EUREKA-ARCATA CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT A coalition of organizations interested in improved bicycle, pedestrian, and/or transit opportunities between Eureka and Arcata, including HBBCA, has formed to present a unified voice in opposition to any of the build alternatives presented. It is our position that the safety corridor has been successful in reducing accident rates. All of the build alternatives will require cyclists entering the highway at some intersections to ride out-of-direction for some distance before coming to a legal crossing of the highway. For example, the median closure at the Bayside Cutoff will require cyclists heading towards Eureka from Bayside to ride back to the Samoa Boulevard overcrossing in Arcata to enter the highway. Several other issues with the build alternatives have been identified that will adversely impact cyclists. We feel it is in the best interest of the community to invest in a bike/ped trail parallel to the highway, rather than committing several years' worth of local transportation funds to this project. Public comments on the Draft EIS/EIR will be accepted by Caltrans until September 28, 2007. The document can be viewed at We encourage all members to review the document and provide comments accordingly. We also encourage those interested to review the analysis and comments at HBBCA’s “humbike” TAKES A NEW TRAIL ON THE INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY HBBCA hopes this new email group will increase member participation in the Association and provide a venue for communication between members. Are you looking for a commute companion, or advice on a good cycling route from here to there? Drop a note to the email group. Wondering how to equip yourself and bike for commuting in the rain, or how to pack that valuable laptop for your ride to the office? Drop a note to the email group. The collective expertise/experience should be able to help you. The email group will also provide an outlet for continuing discussions and updates of key issues affecting bicycle commuting in our communities. It’s easy to join in. First you’ll want to check out the email group homepage at Google groups: If you haven’t received an invitation email to join the group, click “apply for group membership” and follow the directions to get plugged in. Once you’re a member, you can simply send your email to all members of the group by addressing it And if for some reason you find out that this isn’t for you, you can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of the group emails ( All group messages will have “[HBBCA]” amended to the subject line. Not only does this allow you to quickly identify the relevance of an email, it also allows you to filter these messages into a single folder, neatly organizing you emails. HBBCA does ask that you use some basic email etiquette. All emails sent to the humbike Google group should contain an appropriate subject in the subject field and a signature including your name and location. Appropriate content for the group should directly relate to bicycle commuting in Humboldt County. Topics like road conditions & hazards, commute companions, route advice, public comment on cycling infrastructure, calls to action, or meeting announcements. Last, HBBCA does ask that you please refrain from posting commercial announcements or advertising to the email group. So, next time you’re not spinning the wheels to work, commute on over to the information super highway and take a spin around our humbike Google group. HCAOG SUPPORTS HUMBOLDT BAY TRAIL Several alternatives were studied for the trail which would skirt the railroad and Route 101 between Eureka and Arcata. The biggest impediments are the lack of room for the trail and the cost. If the trail could occupy the railroad prism until such time as the railroad were to reappear, [should that ever happen], impediments would be lessened. However, grant funding with an unknown future for the railroad would be problematic. EXTENSION TO BIKE LANES IN EUREKA NEARLY COMPLETED Also, check out the roadway extension on Waterfront Drive from the Adorni Center to I Street. While not designated as a bike lane yet, it has a four foot shoulder and leads to the Waterfront bike lanes to the east. There is no longer a complete dead end west of the Adorni Center. LEAGUE OF AMERICAN BICYCLISTS (LAB) NEED YOUR HELP HBBCA JOINS THE CALIFORNIA BICYCLE COALITION WHO TO CALL WHEN YOU SEE A SAFETY CONCERN (Revised 3/07)
JOIN THE HBBCA TODAY OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2007 If you are already a paid-up member and would like to start receiving your newsletters by email, please advise us at: Newsletter of the Humboldt Bay Bicycle Commuters Association |