October 2020
October 2020
Vol. 39 No. 4
Website: www.humbike.org
Email: info@humbike.org
New and Renewed Members of the HBBCA
The following are new and renewed members for 2020. If you haven’t renewed your dues for 2020, they were due on January 1, as all dues expire on December 31. An application is at the end of the newsletter. Any renewals now will extend your membership through 12/2021.
New Members
Jarad Petroske, Eureka**
Renewed Members for 2020
Rees Hughes, Arcata**
Katherine Bettis, Eureka
Korina Johnson & Alan Hale, Arcata
Those with a ** next to their name gave an additional donation. Those with *** have given
a $25 or greater donation. Thanks to all those who have joined or renewed their commitment and those who have given additional donations to support our many causes.
We particularly want to express our appreciation to those who continue to provide strong support to the HBBCA at this difficult time when we have been unable to conduct in-person meetings and events. It is also difficult to get the support we need from local agencies to develop projects and maintain bicycle facilities that are disappearing (e.g., bike lane striping and logos). Bring on 2021!!
Get on board now for all the benefits, including discounts at all the bike shops. See application at the end of the newsletter.
HBBCA Meetings Cancelled for the Rest of 2020.
Due to COVID, regular HBBCA dinner meetings are postponed until further notice. Hopefully, we will be able to resume them next spring.
Caltrans Attempting to Resolve Issues in Safety Corridor that Affect Bike Travel
Ongoing construction of longer acceleration and deceleration lanes and cable safety barriers in the Safety Corridor have caused some serious issues for bicyclists, mostly due to reduced shoulder widths. As a result of complaints from local cyclists and the HBBCA, Caltrans has undertaken a complete multidisciplinary review of temporary and permanent plans in order to alleviate concerns during construction and in the “end condition” in order to accommodate bicyclists safely to the maximum extent possible within the existing right of way.
Zoom Public Meeting Held for Broadway Corridor Project in Eureka
On August 25th, about 80 people tuned into a “Zoom” meeting for the ongoing Broadway Corridor Study. Consultants presented alternatives still under consideration and those deemed infeasible. A total of 8 alternatives have been evaluated, including several different bikeway options on Broadway. Alternatives included options for a Koster/Broadway Couplet, which would have northbound 101 traffic on Broadway and southbound on Koster, much of which would be a new roadway. It was very difficult to follow the presentation compared to being in a room with the detailed plans and typical sections. For details, go to the project website: www.eurekabroadwaycorridorplan.com
Ultimately, funding will be sought from competitive grant sources for construction projects. The Board of the HBBCA would like emphasis placed on short-term alternatives to improve Broadway to safely accommodate bicyclists as compared with having to developing a new roadway in the Koster corridor which would require acquisition of right of way, hazardous waste cleanup, many millions of dollars to construct, and a decade or more to accomplish, if ever determined to be feasible.
HBBCA Endorses C Street Bike Boulevard Project in Eureka
At the request of the City of Eureka, the HBBCA submitted a letter of support for a grant application to Caltrans for a Bike Boulevard project in Eureka. We had a few issues with some of the specifics for the proposal, but were assured that we would have an opportunity to help redefine the project details if funding was received. If approved for funding, the project will provide a facility to accommodate cyclists between 4th Street and Harris, serving the west Eureka area and connecting to two schools and linking Henderson Center with downtown.
Download Bicycling Calendar
If you would like to keep track of your daily/weekly/monthly bike miles for 2021, download the Bicycling Calendar from our website: humbike.org.
Who to Call When You See a Safety Concern (Rev. 5/2019; No change 1/2020))
The HBBCA checked with agencies in the Humboldt Bay region to determine appropriate contact personnel to respond to bike-related issues. If you see a condition that needs to be corrected in order to improve safety or convenience for cyclists such as a pothole in a bike lane, accumulated debris on a roadway shoulder, the need to re-stripe a bike lane, the need to clear vegetation encroaching on a shoulder, or a street light that is out, call the responsible agency/person listed below. Of course, if you see a condition that requires immediate attention, like a stop sign knocked down, call 9-1-1. For non-emergency conditions, the following contact information is provided:
Betsy Totten, Customer Service Liaison
441-5655 www.dot.ca.gov/d1/contactus.html
County of Humboldt
445-7421 RoadsDispatch@co.humboldt.ca.us
Abandoned Vehicles: Wally Williams,
County Sheriff’s Office, 268-2509
City of Arcata
Melanie Dabill
Public Works Administrative Assistant
825-2128 mdabill@cityofarcata.org
Abandoned Vehicles:
Arcata Police Dept. at 822-2424
City of Eureka
441-4203 publicworks@ci.eureka.ca.gov
Abandoned Vehicles:
phone 268-5232
Please Join or Renew Your Membership for 2021
The HBBCA is working to improve and encourage bicycle commuting. Your $5.00 annual dues, paid on a calendar year basis, will help pay for youth helmets, bike racks, this newsletter, the website, BikeSmart promotions, “Bike Month” activities, prizes, postage, insurance, etc. And, it will help demonstrate your commitment to our goal.
With your membership card, you may request the following discounts on bike parts and accessories: 10% at Revolution Bicycle Repair; 15% at Adventure’s Edge; 10% at Pacific Outfitters, and 15% at Sport and Cycle. Membership cards include stickers on the back showing discounts offered by the various bike shops.
Enclosed: $_____dues $_____donation
____I’d rather receive my newsletter by email. This is my neatly printed email address:
Mail to HBBCA, P.O. Box 9054 Eureka CA 95502-9054
HBBCA Board of Directors (Rev. 1/3/20)
President---------------------- Rick Knapp
445-1097(h) email: info@humbike.org
Vice-President---------------- Brett Gronemeyer
845-2117(cell); 445-6578 (w)
Secretary/Treasurer---Gail Popham,
Director of Planning-----open/available
Director of Publicity ----open/available
Contact Rick Knapp if you are interested in filing a vacant Board position.
Vol. 39 No. 4
Website: www.humbike.org
Email: info@humbike.org
New and Renewed Members of the HBBCA
The following are new and renewed members for 2020. If you haven’t renewed your dues for 2020, they were due on January 1, as all dues expire on December 31. An application is at the end of the newsletter. Any renewals now will extend your membership through 12/2021.
New Members
Jarad Petroske, Eureka**
Renewed Members for 2020
Rees Hughes, Arcata**
Katherine Bettis, Eureka
Korina Johnson & Alan Hale, Arcata
Those with a ** next to their name gave an additional donation. Those with *** have given
a $25 or greater donation. Thanks to all those who have joined or renewed their commitment and those who have given additional donations to support our many causes.
We particularly want to express our appreciation to those who continue to provide strong support to the HBBCA at this difficult time when we have been unable to conduct in-person meetings and events. It is also difficult to get the support we need from local agencies to develop projects and maintain bicycle facilities that are disappearing (e.g., bike lane striping and logos). Bring on 2021!!
Get on board now for all the benefits, including discounts at all the bike shops. See application at the end of the newsletter.
HBBCA Meetings Cancelled for the Rest of 2020.
Due to COVID, regular HBBCA dinner meetings are postponed until further notice. Hopefully, we will be able to resume them next spring.
Caltrans Attempting to Resolve Issues in Safety Corridor that Affect Bike Travel
Ongoing construction of longer acceleration and deceleration lanes and cable safety barriers in the Safety Corridor have caused some serious issues for bicyclists, mostly due to reduced shoulder widths. As a result of complaints from local cyclists and the HBBCA, Caltrans has undertaken a complete multidisciplinary review of temporary and permanent plans in order to alleviate concerns during construction and in the “end condition” in order to accommodate bicyclists safely to the maximum extent possible within the existing right of way.
Zoom Public Meeting Held for Broadway Corridor Project in Eureka
On August 25th, about 80 people tuned into a “Zoom” meeting for the ongoing Broadway Corridor Study. Consultants presented alternatives still under consideration and those deemed infeasible. A total of 8 alternatives have been evaluated, including several different bikeway options on Broadway. Alternatives included options for a Koster/Broadway Couplet, which would have northbound 101 traffic on Broadway and southbound on Koster, much of which would be a new roadway. It was very difficult to follow the presentation compared to being in a room with the detailed plans and typical sections. For details, go to the project website: www.eurekabroadwaycorridorplan.com
Ultimately, funding will be sought from competitive grant sources for construction projects. The Board of the HBBCA would like emphasis placed on short-term alternatives to improve Broadway to safely accommodate bicyclists as compared with having to developing a new roadway in the Koster corridor which would require acquisition of right of way, hazardous waste cleanup, many millions of dollars to construct, and a decade or more to accomplish, if ever determined to be feasible.
HBBCA Endorses C Street Bike Boulevard Project in Eureka
At the request of the City of Eureka, the HBBCA submitted a letter of support for a grant application to Caltrans for a Bike Boulevard project in Eureka. We had a few issues with some of the specifics for the proposal, but were assured that we would have an opportunity to help redefine the project details if funding was received. If approved for funding, the project will provide a facility to accommodate cyclists between 4th Street and Harris, serving the west Eureka area and connecting to two schools and linking Henderson Center with downtown.
Download Bicycling Calendar
If you would like to keep track of your daily/weekly/monthly bike miles for 2021, download the Bicycling Calendar from our website: humbike.org.
Who to Call When You See a Safety Concern (Rev. 5/2019; No change 1/2020))
The HBBCA checked with agencies in the Humboldt Bay region to determine appropriate contact personnel to respond to bike-related issues. If you see a condition that needs to be corrected in order to improve safety or convenience for cyclists such as a pothole in a bike lane, accumulated debris on a roadway shoulder, the need to re-stripe a bike lane, the need to clear vegetation encroaching on a shoulder, or a street light that is out, call the responsible agency/person listed below. Of course, if you see a condition that requires immediate attention, like a stop sign knocked down, call 9-1-1. For non-emergency conditions, the following contact information is provided:
Betsy Totten, Customer Service Liaison
441-5655 www.dot.ca.gov/d1/contactus.html
County of Humboldt
445-7421 RoadsDispatch@co.humboldt.ca.us
Abandoned Vehicles: Wally Williams,
County Sheriff’s Office, 268-2509
City of Arcata
Melanie Dabill
Public Works Administrative Assistant
825-2128 mdabill@cityofarcata.org
Abandoned Vehicles:
Arcata Police Dept. at 822-2424
City of Eureka
441-4203 publicworks@ci.eureka.ca.gov
Abandoned Vehicles:
phone 268-5232
Please Join or Renew Your Membership for 2021
The HBBCA is working to improve and encourage bicycle commuting. Your $5.00 annual dues, paid on a calendar year basis, will help pay for youth helmets, bike racks, this newsletter, the website, BikeSmart promotions, “Bike Month” activities, prizes, postage, insurance, etc. And, it will help demonstrate your commitment to our goal.
With your membership card, you may request the following discounts on bike parts and accessories: 10% at Revolution Bicycle Repair; 15% at Adventure’s Edge; 10% at Pacific Outfitters, and 15% at Sport and Cycle. Membership cards include stickers on the back showing discounts offered by the various bike shops.
Enclosed: $_____dues $_____donation
____I’d rather receive my newsletter by email. This is my neatly printed email address:
Mail to HBBCA, P.O. Box 9054 Eureka CA 95502-9054
HBBCA Board of Directors (Rev. 1/3/20)
President---------------------- Rick Knapp
445-1097(h) email: info@humbike.org
Vice-President---------------- Brett Gronemeyer
845-2117(cell); 445-6578 (w)
Secretary/Treasurer---Gail Popham,
Director of Planning-----open/available
Director of Publicity ----open/available
Contact Rick Knapp if you are interested in filing a vacant Board position.