July 2014

WHEEL PEOPLE            Vol. 33  No.  4               July 2014

Newsletter of the Humboldt Bay Bicycle Commuters Association

P.O. Box 9054 Eureka CA  95502                                                                                                                                                                           

Website: www.humbike.org
Email: info@humbike.org
New and Renewed Members of the HBBCA
The following new and renewed members have become members for 2014.
New Members
Marissa Vaudo, Trinidad
Renewed Members
Melanie Williams, Arcata**
Will Spurling,
Henderson Center Bicycles, Eureka***
Bob Schultze and Sonja Schultze-Huff, Eureka**
Liisa Schmoele, McKinleyville**
Those with a ** next to their name gave an additional donation.   Those with *** have given a $25 or greater donation.   Thanks to all those who have joined or renewed their commitment and those who have given additional donations to support our many causes.
The Next Regular Meeting will be Held on July 28th in Arcata
The next regular HBBCA meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 28th, at Carmela’s Mexican Restaurant, 13th and G Streets in Arcata. Dinner is optional. Agenda items may be suggested by emailing:  info@humbike.org.
Free BikeSmart Training Available for Youth in Humboldt Bay Region
During the summer, free BikeSmart training is available for youth in the Humboldt Bay region.  Training is two hours in length, and involves verbal training and on-road training.   Trainees will learn the rules of the road and how to ride responsibly and defensively.   Those who need them will receive free helmets.   Parents may ride along.  Adults wanting to learn how to be effective bike commuters may arrange for one-on-one training, too.  For information, contact Rick Knapp at 707-445-1097, or go to the humbike.org website.
Bike Month Humboldt! 2014 was a Success
Many successful events were held for Bike Month Humboldt! 2014.  To see photos from some of the events, go to the HBBCA website, www.humbike.org.  
In appreciation:  In addition to the Bike Month Coalition who planned and implemented many Bike Month Humboldt! 2014 events during May of this year, we would like to thank the many agencies, businesses and organizations that helped make Bike Month one of the most successful ever.
For the extensive positive media coverage, thanks go to the Times-Standard, News Channel 3 and the North Coast Co-op.  Also, to Caltrans, for the freeway “Share the Road” messages.
Thanks to Adventure’s Edge, Pacific Outfitters, Revolution Bicycle Repair, Sport and Cycle and Henderson Center Bicycles for the donation of their time and merchandise.
For the donation of food and services at events, thanks to the North Coast Co-op and Eureka Natural Foods.
Thanks to the County of Humboldt, Humboldt County Association of Governments, and cities of Eureka, Arcata, and Fortuna for adopting Bike Month Proclamations.  We also appreciate the students of Toddy Thomas, Alice Birney and Winship who accepted proclamations and provided supportive comments.
Thanks to the City of Arcata for hosting a children’s Bike Rodeo; the Sewell Art Gallery for offering a venue for the Humboldt Bike Shorts films; and Making Headway for hosting a safety fair in Eureka.
We hope that the focus on bicycling during Bike Month will energize cyclists and encourage more to join the ranks of those who use a bicycle as a mode of transportation.  
HBBCA Urging the City of Eureka to Give Greater Attention to the Maintenance of Bike Lanes
The HBBCA is trying to get the City to give more attention to the sweeping of bike lanes and to the restoration of rapidly deteriorating bike lane striping and markings.
Currently, all streets in the City are swept once a month.   We have suggested sweeping arterial streets on a more frequent basis, as these are the streets where more debris is collects, and are the streets with bike lanes.
Additionally, we are trying to get the City to recognize that once bike lanes are signed and striped, they cannot be ignored.   They need to be periodically  restriped and the markings refreshed.
The City Engineer, Charles Roecklein, on June 20, 2014, indicated that he would pursue the issue after the budget was passed.  
Bicycle-Friendly Sign placed at 4th and Q
Cyclists and City officials gathered at the Chamber of Commerce sign at 4th and Q on May 6th for the installation of a sign depicting the designation of Eureka as a Bicycle-Friendly city.  The designation was issued by the League of American Bicyclists.  The City’s Transportation Safety Commission submitted the application.  The HBBCA was one of the organizations that recommended the designation.   The City was awarded the Bronze designation.   We look forward to more positive actions by the City as it attempts to move from the Bronze category to Silver then Gold.
Letter to the Editor
Dear Rick and Patricia-Anne,
Thank you both again for your help at the Kids Bike Rodeo! (in Arcata).  We really appreciate your expertise on the helmet fittings.   I hope to see you both again next year (or before!), and I’ll be sure to get more small helmets next time.
Take care and thanks again.
Cameron Mull, City of Arcata
Who to Call When You See a Safety Concern (Rev.7/5/14)   
The HBBCA checked with agencies in the Humboldt Bay region to determine appropriate contact personnel to respond to bike-related issues.  If you see a condition that needs to be corrected in order to improve safety or convenience for cyclists such as a pothole in a bike lane, accumulated debris on a roadway shoulder, the need to re-stripe a bike lane, the need to clear vegetation encroaching on a shoulder, or a street light that is out, call the responsible agency/person listed below.
Of course, if you see a condition that requires immediate attention, like a stop sign knocked down, call 9-1-1.  For non-emergency conditions, the following contact information is provided:
Matt Brady, Deputy District Director
County of Humboldt
Wendy Meeks, Dispatcher
445-7421 wmeeks@co.humboldt.ca.us
Abandoned Vehicles: Wally Williams,
County Sheriff’s Office, 268-3629
City of Arcata
Alynn Zdawczynski,
Public Works Administrative Assistant
822-5957 azdawczynski@cityofarcata.org
Abandoned Vehicles:
Arcata Police Dept. at 822-2424
City of Eureka
Kristen Ireland  [New contact 2/2013]
Public Works Administrative Assistant
441-4203 kireland@ci.eureka.ca.gov
with cc: shutchison@ci.eureka.ca.gov
Abandoned Vehicles: Mary Kirby
mkirby@eurekapd.org, 268-5232
HBBCA Board of Directors (Rev. 1/2012)
President---------------------- Rick Knapp
445-1097(h) email: info@humbike.org
Vice-President---------------- Brett Gronemeyer
845-2117(h); 445-5390(w)
Secretary/Treasurer---Gail Popham,
Director of Publicity………… vacant
Director of Planning----- vacant
Please Join or Renew Your Membership for 2014  (Rev. 1/2014)
The HBBCA is working to improve and encourage bicycle commuting.  Help make it happen by joining now or renewing your membership for 2014. 
Your $5.00 annual dues, paid on a calendar year basis, will help pay for youth helmets, bike racks, this newsletter, the website, BikeSmart promotions, Bike Month activities, prizes, postage, etc.   And, it will help demonstrate your commitment to our goal.
With your membership card, you may request the following discounts on bike parts and accessories: 10% (or more) at Henderson Center Bicycles; 10% at Revolution Bicycle Repair; 15% at Adventure’s Edge; 10% at Pacific Outfitters, and 15% at Sport and Cycle.  Membership cards include stickers on the back showing discounts offered by the various bike shops.
Enclosed: $_____dues    $_____donation
____I’d rather receive my newsletter by email.   This is my neatly printed email address:
Mail to HBBCA, P.O. Box 9054 Eureka CA 95502-9054