January 2022
Vol. 41 No. 1
Website: www.humbike.org
Email: info@humbike.org
New and Renewed Members of the HBBCA
The following are new and renewed members for 2022. If you haven’t renewed your dues for 2022, they were due on January 1, as all dues expire on December 31. An application is at the end of the newsletter.
New Members for 2022
Laurence Kluck, Eureka**
Renewed Members for 2022
Jim & Frances Maunder, Eureka
Carl & Judy Cooper, Bayside**
Lisa Hoover, Blue Lake***
Gail Popham, Eureka**
Lloyd McClelland, Eureka***
Those with a ** next to their name gave an additional donation. Those with *** have given
a $25 or greater donation. Thanks to all those who have joined or renewed their commitment and those who have given additional donations to support our many causes. Get on board now for all the benefits, including discounts at all the bike shops. See application at the end of the newsletter.
Happy Bicycling New Year!!!
There will be no dinner meeting in January 2022.
Given the current surge in Covid cases in Humboldt County—the highest ever—we have decided to forego the traditional dinner meeting this quarter. Hopefully, things will be looking up for the April meeting, especially since Bike Month Humboldt is in May.
Henderson Street Reconstruction is Finally Completed
In December, the long-awaited Henderson was finally completed and restriped. It is now the finest bike lane in the City.
The HBBCA Joins to “No Coal” Movement
By a letter dated December 8, 2021, the HBBCA directed a letter to the Harbor District joining other in vehemently opposing the use of Humboldt Bay Harbor for any activities that would facilitate processing and shipping of coal. HBBCA member, Korina Johnson, raised the issue at the October 2021 meeting. Those in attendance unanimously agreed to the sending of a letter.
More on No Coal…….Senate Bill 307, McGuire, would block exporting coal from Humboldt Bay. The bill has cleared the Senate Transportation Committee. On January 4th, the Eureka City Council voted to ban the transportation of coal on City property.
Stop signs added on Commercial and West Washington Streets at Waterfront Drive
In December 2021, after completing the reconstruction of portions of Commercial Street and West Washington Street, the City added Stop bars and signs at both intersections with Waterfront Drive. This is the first time ever for stop signs at these locations because stopped traffic will at times be sitting on railroad tracks. Maybe they decided after 20 years of inactivity, we could assume no NCRA engine would be likely to hit a motorist at these locations! It makes it nice for those traveling on the bike trail.
The new “stop” at Commercial Street at Waterfront Drive
Another Tool for Cities to Reduce Speed Limits
Going into effect on January 1, 2022 is AB43, by Friedman, which gives cities new authority to reduce speed limits in increments of 5 mph by factoring the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in traffic surveys. Friedman said the state’s existing standards set limits based on the speed drivers feel comfortable driving at rather than what’s actually safe.
A law that Affects Your Driving Record When You Use a Cell Phone While Driving
You may not have heard about this law that went into effect July 1, 2021. Now, after the second cell phone violation within a 3-year period, you will have one point added to your Driving Record, which will increase your car insurance. Until now, only a fine was levied for continued abuse.
McKinleyville Multimodal Connections Project Held in November
By Mitch Higa, HBBCA Representative
The McKinleyville Multimodal Connections Project Task Force met on November 8. The meeting minutes are available at the County website:
There were several Caltrans representatives in attendance including Lisa Hockaday and Brett Gronemeyer.
We covered many topics, but mostly task force members were surveyed about our non-motorized transit priorities.
Upcoming task force activities include meeting with local schools, youth centers, and senior communities in Spring 2022.
We Continue to Wait, Not So Patiently for Bike Lanes to be Restriped in Eureka
We had hoped to see new bike lane striping all over the City before now. We were told that striping for some of the most faded bike lanes would be added to the end of some paving projects being done in the fall. As it turns out, fall turned to winter before the paving could even be done, so we continue to wait, now for better weather……but we need the rain…..except when we are biking.
Funding Awarded for Secure Bike Storage on HSU Campus
According to the “Collector,” December 10th Edition, a student-initiated effort just secured a $120,000 (from student fees) to build a secure, weather-protected bike storage facility on campus. The project is in response to persistent high levels of bike theft, as well as ongoing problems with rust and other side effects of storing bikes out in the elements. Congratulations to project lead, Justin Delgado and his team. [The “Collector” is a newsletter of the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities.]
Download Bicycling Calendar
If you would like to keep track of your daily/weekly/monthly bike miles for 2022, download the Bicycling Calendar from our website: humbike.orgLetters
Apologies for such a late response on my 2021 dues! Check is in the mail.
Also, I appreciated the webinar some months ago that addressed some safety practices. Rick—I’ve been meaning to thank you for your recommendation for a “rear view mirror.” I did get one at Adventure’s Edge—for the handlebars (not the helmet) and it has really been helpful.
Lisa Hoover, Blue Lake
Who to Call When You See a Safety Concern (Rev. 4/2021)
The HBBCA checked with agencies in the Humboldt Bay region to determine appropriate contact personnel to respond to bike-related issues. If you see a condition that needs to be corrected in order to improve safety or convenience for cyclists such as a pothole in a bike lane, accumulated debris on a roadway shoulder, the need to re-stripe a bike lane, the need to clear vegetation encroaching on a shoulder, or a street light that is out, call the responsible agency/person listed below. Of course, if you see a condition that requires immediate attention, like a stop sign knocked down, call 9-1-1. For non-emergency conditions, the following contact information is provided:
Customer Service Liaison
441-5655 www.dot.ca.gov/d1/contactus.html
County of Humboldt
445-7421 RoadsDispatch@co.humboldt.ca.us
Abandoned Vehicles: Wally Williams,
County Sheriff’s Office, 268-2509
City of Arcata
Melanie Dabill
Public Works Administrative Assistant
825-2128 mdabill@cityofarcata.org
Abandoned Vehicles:
Arcata Police Dept. at 822-2424
City of Eureka
441-4203 publicworks@ci.eureka.ca.gov
Abandoned Vehicles:
HBBCA Board of Directors (Rev. 1/3/20)
President---------------------- Rick Knapp
707-445-1097(h) email: info@humbike.org
Vice-President---------------- Brett Gronemeyer
707-845-2117(cell); 445-6578 (w)
Secretary/Treasurer---Gail Popham,
Director of Planning-----open/available
Director of Publicity ----open/available
Contact Rick Knapp if you are interested in filing a vacant Board position.
Please Join or Renew Your Membership for 2022
The HBBCA is working to improve and encourage bicycle commuting. Your $5.00 annual dues, paid on a calendar year basis, will help pay for youth helmets, bike racks, this newsletter, the website, BikeSmart promotions, “Bike Month” activities, prizes, postage, insurance, etc. And, it will help demonstrate your commitment to our goal.
With your membership card, you may request discounts on bike parts and accessories at Revolution Bicycle Repair; Adventure’s Edge; and Pacific Outfitters. Discounts may vary now due to inventory shortages of some items. Membership cards include stickers on the back showing discounts offered by the various bike shops.
Enclosed: $_____dues ($5.00) $_____donation
____I’d rather receive my newsletter by email. This is my neatly printed email address:
Mail to HBBCA, P.O. Box 9054 Eureka CA 95502-9054