May 2011


VOL. 30 NO. 3      

 May 2011

Newsletter of the Humboldt Bay Bicycle Commuters Association
P. O. Box 9054 Eureka CA 95502


New Members:

  • Ian Goddi, Eureka**

Renewed Members:

  • Tony LaBanca, Arcata**
  • Rees Hughes, Arcata**
  • Paul Harris, Eureka
  • Loren Azevedo, Bayside**
  • David & Jean Durbin**
  • Jeffrey Conner, Eureka**

Those with a ** have made additional donations to the HBBCA. Those with *** have made donations of $25 or more. Thank you for your generous donations to the HBBCA.

Thank you for your generous donations to the HBBCA. If you have not renewed your membership for 2011, please do so by filling out the application at the end of this newsletter.

The Next Regular Meeting will be held on May 22nd in Eureka

The next regular HBBCA meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m., Monday, May 22nd, at Chapala’s Restaurant, 2nd and C Streets, in Eureka.   Dinner is optional.   Agenda items may be suggested by emailing Rick Knapp at

Many Events Planned for Bike Month

The Humboldt Bike Month Coalition has endeavored to provide the best events ever for Bike Month 2011. 

Click here for the Bike Month Poster.   A detailed schedule of events can be found here.

Please join the coalition by attending as many events as you can.   Don’t miss the Bike to Work Day celebrations—May 12 in Arcata and May 19 in Eureka   (See schedules). 

A film festival will be held on May 4 in Arcata at the Far North Climbing Gym, 10th and K, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 

A bike swap meet will be held in Arcata on May 22nd.   It’s a chance for community members and bike shops  to trade and sell gently used bikes and bike parts and accessories.   It will be a great opportunity for new cyclists and serious riders to find gear they need.  It will be held at the Bank of America parking lot adjacent to the Plaza from 10 – 12 noon.   Reserve a free table by emailing or calling or 269-2061. Click Here for more info.

The HBBCA is purchasing bike racks for the City of Eureka

In commemoration of May as Bike Month, the HBBCA has purchased ten parking meter/sign pole-type bike racks for installation in Old Town and Henderson Center in Eureka.   The City has agreed to install the racks at locations determined by the HBBCA.   The racks will be located at sites frequented by cyclists, such as banks and coffee shops.   The HBBCA got a good deal from Sunshine U-Lok, Inc., getting 10 racks for $950 delivered.   Normally, they are $135 each, plus tax and delivery.   They will be identical to others previously installed in the City. 

Next time we have funds available, we will buy racks for the City of Arcata.  Let us know if there is a location where you’d like to see a bike rack.

HBBCA Board of Directors

President-------------------- Rick Knapp

445-1097(h) email:

Vice-President------------- vacant

Secretary/Treasurer--- Gail Popham, 444-3316(h); 445-5204(w)

Director of Publicity----- vacant

Director of Planning----- Brett Gronemeyer 845-2117(h); 441-5770(w)

If anyone is interested in filling a Board seat, or becoming more involved, please call one of the Board members above.

Who To Call When You See a Safety Concern (Revised 1/09)

The HBBCA checked with agencies in the Humboldt Bay region to determine appropriate contact personnel to respond to bike-related issues. If you see a condition that needs to be corrected in order to improve safety or convenience for cyclists such as a pothole in a bike lane, accumulated debris on a roadway shoulder, the need to re-stripe a bike lane, or the need to clear vegetation encroaching on a shoulder, call the responsible agency/person listed below.

Of course, if you see a condition that requires immediate emergency action, call 9-1-1.  For other conditions, the following is provided:


Mark Suchanek, Deputy District Director


County of Humboldt

Wendy Meeks, Dispatcher


Abandoned Vehicles:

Wally Williams

County Sheriff’s Office 268-3629

City of Arcata

Monica Campbell

Public Works Administrative Assistant


Abandoned Vehicles:

Arcata Police Dept. 822-2424

City of Eureka

Pearl Mendoza

Public Works Administrative Assistant


Abandoned Vehicles:

Mary Kirby



The HBBCA is working to improve and encourage bicycle commuting.  Help make it happen by joining now or renewing your membership for 2011.  Your $5.00 annual dues, paid on a calendar year basis, will help pay for youth helmets, this newsletter, our website, promotions, postage, etc.   And, it will help demonstrate your commitment to our goal.

With your membership card, request the following discounts on bike parts and accessories:

10% (or more) at Henderson Center Bicycles; 10% at Revolution Bicycle Repair; 15% at Adventure’s Edge; 10% at Pro Sport Center, 10% at the Outdoor Store and 15% at Sport and Cycle.

Please click here to download our Membership Application.